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Napa Valley College Catalog Description:


ANTH 180 is a comparative study of childhood as experienced in a variety of world cultures. Explores different cultural patterns of child rearing and the differential experiences of childhood as they are influenced by race, class, gender and environmental variables. The role of women and girls as childbearers, caretakers and providers will be emphasized. The effects of rapid culture change on children will be studied with particular emphasis on poverty, armed conflict, and HIV/AIDS. Cross-listed with CFS-180. CSU, UC


The goal of this course is to introduce you to the anthropological study of children and childhood. Through short films, case studies, readings, and several analytical projects, we will comparatively study childhood as it is experienced in a variety of world and American ethnic groups.


This course explores different cultural patterns of child rearing and the ways that gender, ethnicity, and the environment can affect maternal and child health. The effects of culture change on children will be studied with emphasis on children and war, poverty and health programs, and HIV/AIDS.


We will also explore the various cultural politics surrounding notions of "childhood” and “motherhood” in different areas around the world and within the United States, including examples from Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Canada.

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